API Reference


class mincepy.Archive[source]

An archive provides the persistent storage for the Historian. It is responsible for storing, searching and loading data records and their metadata.

class MetaEntry(obj_id, meta)

Create new instance of MetaEntry(obj_id, meta)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

add_archive_listener(listener: mincepy.archives.ArchiveListener)[source]

Add a listener to be notified of archive events

bulk_write(ops: Sequence[mincepy.operations.Operation])[source]

Make a collection of write operations to the database

construct_archive_id(value) → IdT[source]

If it’s possible, construct an archive value from the passed value. This is useful as a convenience to the user if, say, the archive id can be constructed from a string. Raise TypeError or ValueError if this is not possible for the given value.

count(obj_id=None, type_id=None, created_by=None, copied_from=None, version=-1, state=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta=None, limit=0)[source]

Count the number of entries that match the given query

create_archive_id() → IdT[source]

Create a new archive id

distinct(key: str, filter: dict = None) → Iterator[T_co][source]

Get distinct values of the given record key

  • key – the key to find distinct values for, see DataRecord for possible keys
  • filter – an optional filter to restrict the search to. Should be a dictionary that filters on entries in the DataRecord i.e. the kwargs that can be passed to find().

Get the GridFS file bucket

find(obj_id: Union[IdT, Iterable[IdT], Dict[KT, VT]] = None, type_id=None, created_by: Optional[IdT] = None, copied_from: Optional[IdT] = None, version: int = None, state=None, state_types=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta: dict = None, extras: dict = None, limit=0, sort=None, skip=0) → Iterator[mincepy.records.DataRecord][source]

Find records matching the given criteria

  • type_id – find records with the given type id
  • created_by – find records with the given created by id
  • copied_from – find records copied from the record with the given id
  • version – restrict the search to this version, -1 for latest
  • state – find objects with this state filter
  • state_types – file objects with this state types filter
  • snapshot_hash – find objects with this snapshot hash
  • meta – find objects with this meta filter
  • extras – the search criteria to apply on the data record extras
  • limit – limit the results to this many records
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
  • sort – sort the results by the given criteria
  • skip – skip the this many entries
classmethod get_id_type() → Type[IdT][source]

Get the type used as an ID by this archive

get_obj_ref_graph(*obj_ids, direction=1, max_dist: int = None) → networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph[source]

Given one or more object ids the archive will supply the corresponding reference graph(s). The graphs start at the given id and contains all object ids that it references, all object ids they reference and so on.

get_snapshot_ids(obj_id: IdT) → Sequence[mincepy.records.SnapshotId[~IdT][IdT]][source]

Returns a list of time ordered snapshot ids

get_snapshot_ref_graph(*snapshot_ids, direction=1, max_dist: int = None) → networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph[source]

Given one or more snapshot ids the archive will supply the corresponding reference graph(s). The graphs start at the given id and contains all snapshots that it references, all snapshots they reference and so on.

classmethod get_types() → Sequence[T_co][source]

This method allows the archive to return either types or type helper that the historian should support. A common example is the type helper for the object id type

history(obj_id: IdT, idx_or_slice) → [<class 'mincepy.records.DataRecord'>, typing.Sequence[mincepy.records.DataRecord]][source]

Load the snapshot records for a particular object, can return a single or multiple records

load(snapshot_id: mincepy.records.SnapshotId[~IdT][IdT]) → mincepy.records.DataRecord[source]

Load a snapshot of an object with the given reference

meta_create_index(keys: Union[str, List[Tuple]], unique=False, where_exist=False)[source]

Create an index on the metadata. Takes either a single key or list of (key, direction) pairs

  • keys – the key or keys to create the index on
  • unique – if True, create a uniqueness constraint on this index
  • where_exist – if True the index only applies for documents where the key(s) exist
meta_distinct(key: str, filter: dict = None, obj_id: Union[IdT, Iterable[IdT], Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None) → Iterator[T_co][source]

Yield distinct values found for ‘key’ within metadata documents, optionally marching a search filter.

The search can optionally be restricted to a set of passed object ids.

  • key – the document key to get distinct values for
  • filter – a query filter for the search
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
meta_find(filter: dict = None, obj_id: Union[IdT, Iterable[IdT], Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None) → Iterator[mincepy.archives.MetaEntry][source]

Yield metadata satisfying the given criteria. The search can optionally be restricted to a set of passed object ids.

  • filter – a query filter for the search
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
meta_get(obj_id: IdT) → Optional[dict][source]

Get the metadata for an objects.

meta_get_many(obj_ids: Iterable[IdT]) → Dict[KT, VT][source]

Get the metadata for multiple objects. Returns a dictionary mapping the object id to the metadata dictionary

meta_set(obj_id: IdT, meta: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]])[source]

Set the metadata on on the object with the corresponding id

meta_set_many(metas: Mapping[IdT, Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]]])[source]

Set the metadata on multiple objects. This takes a mapping of the object id to the corresponding (optional) metadata dictionary

meta_update(obj_id: IdT, meta: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Update the metadata on the object with the corresponding id

meta_update_many(metas: Mapping[IdT, Mapping[KT, VT_co]])[source]

Update the metadata on multiple objects. This method expects to get a mapping of object id to the mapping to be used to update the metadata for that object


Access the objects collection

remove_archive_listener(listener: mincepy.archives.ArchiveListener)[source]

Remove a listener

save(record: mincepy.records.DataRecord)[source]

Save a data record to the archive

save_many(data_records: Sequence[mincepy.records.DataRecord])[source]

Save many data records to the archive


Access the snapshots collection

class mincepy.BaseArchive[source]
add_archive_listener(listener: mincepy.archives.ArchiveListener)[source]

Add a listener to be notified of archive events

construct_archive_id(value) → IdT[source]

If it’s possible, construct an archive value from the passed value. This is useful as a convenience to the user if, say, the archive id can be constructed from a string. Raise TypeError or ValueError if this is not possible for the given value.

classmethod get_id_type() → Type[IdT][source]

Get the type used as an ID by this archive

history(obj_id: IdT, idx_or_slice) → [<class 'mincepy.records.DataRecord'>, typing.Sequence[mincepy.records.DataRecord]][source]

Load the snapshot records for a particular object, can return a single or multiple records

meta_get_many(obj_ids: Iterable[IdT]) → Dict[IdT, dict][source]

Get the metadata for multiple objects. Returns a dictionary mapping the object id to the metadata dictionary

meta_set_many(metas: Mapping[IdT, Mapping[KT, VT_co]])[source]

Set the metadata on multiple objects. This takes a mapping of the object id to the corresponding (optional) metadata dictionary

meta_update_many(metas: Mapping[IdT, Mapping[KT, VT_co]])[source]

Update the metadata on multiple objects. This method expects to get a mapping of object id to the mapping to be used to update the metadata for that object

remove_archive_listener(listener: mincepy.archives.ArchiveListener)[source]

Remove a listener

save(record: mincepy.records.DataRecord)[source]

Save a data record to the archive

save_many(data_records: Sequence[mincepy.records.DataRecord])[source]

This will save records one by one but subclass may want to override this behaviour if they can save multiple records at once.

class mincepy.ArchiveListener[source]

Archive listener interface

on_bulk_write(archive: mincepy.archives.Archive, ops: Sequence[mincepy.operations.Operation])[source]

Called when an archive is about to perform a sequence of write operations but has not performed them yet. The listener must not assume that the operations will be completed as there are a number of reasons why this process could be interrupted.

on_bulk_write_complete(archive: mincepy.archives.Archive, ops: Sequence[mincepy.operations.Operation])[source]

Called when an archive is has successfully performed a sequence of write operations

class mincepy.Saver(historian)[source]

A depositor that knows how to save records to the archive

encode(obj, schema=None, path=())[source]

Encode a type for archiving

get_snapshot_id(obj) → mincepy.records.SnapshotId[source]

Get a persistent reference for the given object

ref(obj) → mincepy.records.SnapshotId[source]

Get a persistent reference for the given object

Deprecated since version 0.14.2: This will be removed in 0.16.0. Use get_snapshot_id() instead

save_state(obj) → dict[source]

Save the state of an object and return the encoded state ready to be archived in a record

class mincepy.Loader(historian)[source]

A loader that knows how to load objects from the archive

decode(encoded, schema: Mapping[tuple, mincepy.records.SchemaEntry] = None, path=(), created_callback=None, updates=None)[source]

Given the encoded state and an optional schema that defines the type of the encoded objects this method will decode the saved state and load the object.

load(snapshot_id: mincepy.records.SnapshotId)[source]

Load an object

class mincepy.SnapshotLoader(historian)[source]

Responsible for loading snapshots. This object should not be reused and only one external call to load should be made. This is because it keeps an internal cache.

load(snapshot_id: mincepy.records.SnapshotId) → object[source]

Load an object from its snapshot id

class mincepy.LiveDepositor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Depositor with strategy that all objects that get referenced should be saved

get_snapshot_id(obj) → Optional[mincepy.records.SnapshotId][source]

Get a persistent reference for the given object

load(snapshot_id: mincepy.records.SnapshotId)[source]

Load an object

load_from_record(record: mincepy.records.DataRecord) → object[source]

Load an object from a record

update_from_record(obj: object, record: mincepy.records.DataRecord) → bool[source]

Do an in-place update of an object from a record

class mincepy.Migrator(historian)[source]

A migrating depositor used to make migrations to database records

get_snapshot_id(obj) → mincepy.records.SnapshotId[source]

Get a persistent reference for the given object

migrate_records(to_migrate: Iterable[mincepy.records.DataRecord]) → Sequence[mincepy.records.DataRecord][source]

Migrate multiple records. This call will return an iterable of those that were migrated

exception mincepy.NotFound[source]

Raised when something can not be found in the history

exception mincepy.ModificationError[source]

Raised when a modification of the history encountered a problem

exception mincepy.ObjectDeleted[source]

Raise when the user tries to interact with a deleted object

exception mincepy.DuplicateKeyError[source]

Indicates that a uniqueness constraint was violated

exception mincepy.MigrationError[source]

Indicates that an error occurred during migration

exception mincepy.VersionError[source]

Indicates a version mismatch between the code and the database

exception mincepy.IntegrityError[source]

Indicates an error that occurred because of an operation that would conflict with a database constraint

exception mincepy.ReferenceError(msg, references: set)[source]

Raised when there is an operation that causes a problem with references for example if you try to delete an object that is referenced by another this exception will be raised. The objects ids being referenced will be found in .references.

exception mincepy.ConnectionError[source]

Raise when there is an error in connecting to the backend

exception mincepy.MergeError[source]

Indicates that an error occurred when trying to merge

class mincepy.Historian(archive: mincepy.archives.Archive, equators=())[source]

The historian acts as a go-between between your python objects and the archive which is a persistent store of the records. It will keep track of all live objects (i.e. those that have active references to them) that have been loaded and/or saved as well as enabling the user to lookup objects in the archive.


Create a shallow copy of the object. Using this method allows the historian to inject information about where the object was copied from into the record if saved.

Deprecated since version 0.14.5: This will be removed in 0.16.0. Use mincepy.copy() instead

create_file(filename: str = None, encoding: str = None) → mincepy.files.File[source]

Create a new file. The historian will supply file type compatible with the archive in use.


Return the id of the object that created the passed object

current_transaction() → Optional[mincepy.transactions.Transaction][source]

Get the current transaction if there is one, otherwise returns None

delete(*obj_or_identifier, imperative=True) → mincepy.result_types.DeleteResult[source]

Delete objects.

Parameters:imperative – if True, this means that the caller explicitly expects this call to delete the passed objects and it should therefore raise if an object cannot be found or has been deleted already. If False, the function will ignore these cases and continue.
Raises:mincepy.NotFound – if the object cannot be found (potentially because it was already deleted)
find(*filter, obj_type=None, obj_id=None, version: int = -1, state=None, meta: dict = None, sort=None, limit=0, skip=0) → mincepy.frontend.ResultSet[object][object][source]

Find objects. This call will search the archive for objects matching the given criteria. In many cases the main arguments of interest will be state and meta which allow you to apply filters on the stored state of the object and metadata respectively. To understand how the state is stored in the database (and therefore how to apply filters to it) it may be necessary to look at the details of the save_instance_state() method for that type. Metadata is always a dictionary containing primitives (strings, dicts, lists, etc).

For the most part, the filter syntax of mincePy conforms to that of MongoDB with convenience functions locate in mincepy.qops that can make it easier to to build a query.


Find all :py:class:`~mincepy.testing.Car`s that are brown or red:

>>> import mincepy as mpy
>>> historian = mpy.get_historian()
>>> historian.find(mpy.testing.Car.colour.in_('brown', 'red'))

Find all people that are older than 34 and live in Edinburgh:

>>> historian.find(mpy.testing.Person.age > 34, meta=dict(city='Edinburgh'))
  • obj_type – the object type to look for
  • obj_id – an object or multiple object ids to look for
  • version – the version of the object to retrieve, -1 means latest
  • state (must be subclass of historian.primitive) – the criteria on the state of the object to apply
  • meta – the search criteria to apply on the metadata of the object
  • sort – the sort criteria
  • limit – the maximum number of results to return, 0 means unlimited
  • skip – the page to get results from
find_distinct(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Get distinct values of the given record key

Has same signature as py:meth:mincepy.Records.distinct.

Deprecated since version 0.15.10: This will be removed in 0.17.0. Use mincepy.records.distinct() instead

find_records(*args, **kwargs) → Iterator[mincepy.records.DataRecord][source]

Find records

Has same signature as py:meth:mincepy.Records.find.

Deprecated since version 0.15.10: This will be removed in 0.17.0. Use mincepy.records.find() instead

get(obj_id) → object[source]

Get a live object using the object id

get_creator(obj_or_identifier) → object[source]

Get the object that created the passed object

get_current_record(obj: object) → mincepy.records.DataRecord[source]

Get the current record that the historian has cached for the passed object

get_obj(obj_id) → object[source]

Get a currently live object

get_obj_id(obj: object) → Any[source]

Get the object ID for a live object.

Returns:the object id or None if the object is not known to the historian
get_snapshot_id(obj: object) → mincepy.records.SnapshotId[source]

Get the current snapshot id for a live object. Will return the id or raise mincepy.NotFound exception

get_user_info() → dict[source]

Get information about the current user and host

history(obj_or_obj_id, idx_or_slice='*', as_objects=True) → [typing.Sequence[mincepy.historians.ObjectEntry], typing.Sequence[mincepy.records.DataRecord]][source]

Get a sequence of object ids and instances from the history of the given object.

  • obj_or_obj_id – The instance or id of the object to get the history for
  • idx_or_slice – The particular index or a slice of which historical versions to get
  • as_objects – if True return the object instances, otherwise returns the DataRecords

Example: >>> import mincepy, mincepy.testing >>> historian = mincepy.get_historian() >>> car = mincepy.testing.Car(‘ferrari’, ‘white’) >>> car_id = historian.save(car) >>> car.colour = ‘red’ >>> historian.save(car) >>> history = historian.history(car_id) >>> len(history) 2 >>> history[0].obj.colour == ‘white’ True >>> history[1].obj.colour == ‘red’ True >>> history[1].obj is car

in_transaction() → Iterator[mincepy.transactions.Transaction][source]

This context will either re-use an existing transaction, if one is currently taking place or create a new one if not.

is_known(obj: object) → bool[source]

Check if an object has ever been saved and is therefore known to the historian

Returns:True if ever saved, False otherwise
is_obj_id(obj_id) → bool[source]

Check if an object is of the object id type

is_primitive(obj) → bool[source]

Check if the object is one of the primitives and should be saved by value in the archive

is_saved(obj: object) → bool[source]

Test if an object is saved with this historian. This is equivalent to historian.get_obj_id(obj) is not None.

classmethod is_trackable(obj)[source]

Determine if an object is trackable i.e. we can treat these as live objects and automatically keep track of their history when saving. Ultimately this is determined by whether the type is weak referencable or not.


Load object(s) or snapshot(s).

load_one(obj_id_or_snapshot_id) → object[source]

Load one object or snapshot from the database

merge(result_set: mincepy.frontend.ResultSet[object][object], *, meta=None, batch_size=1024, progress_callback: Callable[[mincepy.utils.Progress, Optional[mincepy.result_types.MergeResult]], None] = None) → mincepy.result_types.MergeResult[source]

Merge a set of objects into this database.

Given a set of results from another archive this will attempt to merge the corresponding records into this historian’s archive.

  • result_set – the set of records to merge from the source historian
  • meta – option for merging metadata, allowed values: None - Don’t merge metadata ‘update’ - Perform dictionary update with existing metadata ‘overwrite’ - In the case of an existing metadata dictionary, overwrite it

Access to functions that operate on the metadata


Access the migration possibilities


Access the snapshots


A tuple of all the primitive types

purge(deleted=True, unreferenced=True, dry_run=True) → mincepy.result_types.PurgeResult[source]

Purge the archive of unused snapshots


Access methods and properties that act on and return data records


Access the references collection

replace(old: object, new: object)[source]

Replace a live object with a new version.

This is especially useful if you have made a copy of an object and modified it but you want to continue the history of the object as the original rather than a brand new object. Then just replace the old object with the new one by calling this function.


Save multiple objects producing corresponding object identifiers. This returns a sequence of ids that is in the same order as the passed objects.

Parameters:objs – the object(s) to save. Can also be a tuple of (obj, meta) to optionally include metadata to be saved with the object(s)
save_one(obj: object, meta: dict = None)[source]

Save the object returning an object id. If metadata is supplied it will be set on the object.

Developer note: this is the front end point-of-entry for a user/client code saving an object however subsequent objects being saved in this transaction will only go through _save_object and therefore any code common to all objects being saved should possibly go there.


Access the snapshots

sync(obj: object) → bool[source]

Update an object with the latest state in the database. If there is no new version in the archive then the current version remains unchanged including any modifications.

Returns:True if the object was updated, False otherwise

This call will try and get an object id from the passed parameter. The possibilities are:

  1. Passed an object ID in which case it will be returned unchanged

2. Passed a snapshot ID, in which case the corresponding object ID will be returned 2. Passed a live object instance, in which case the id of that object will be returned 3. Passed a type that can be understood by the archive as an object id e.g. a string of

version, in which case the archive will attempt to convert it

Returns None if neither of these cases were True.

transaction() → Iterator[mincepy.transactions.Transaction][source]

Start a new transaction. Will be nested if there is already one underway

class mincepy.ObjectEntry(ref, obj)

Create new instance of ObjectEntry(ref, obj)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class mincepy.Process(name: str)[source]
class mincepy.Savable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Interface for an object that can save and load its instance state

load_instance_state(saved_state, loader: mincepy.depositors.Loader)[source]

Take the given object and load the instance state into it

save_instance_state(saver: mincepy.depositors.Saver)[source]

Save the instance state of an object, should return a saved instance

class mincepy.Comparable[source]

Interface for an object that can be compared and hashed


Produce a hash representing the value

class mincepy.Object[source]

A simple object that is comparable

class mincepy.SavableObject(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A class that is both savable and comparable


Produce a hash representing the object

class mincepy.TypeHelper[source]

This interface provides the basic methods necessary to enable a type to be compatible with the historian.

TYPE = None

The type this helper corresponds to

ensure_up_to_date(saved_state, version: Optional[int], loader: mincepy.depositors.Loader)[source]

Apply any migrations that are necessary to this saved state. If no migrations are necessary then None is returned

eq(one, other) → bool[source]

Determine if two objects are equal

get_version() → Optional[int][source]

Gets the version of the latest migration, returns None if there is not migration

load_instance_state(obj, saved_state, loader: mincepy.depositors.Loader)[source]

Take the given blank object and load the instance state into it


Create a new blank object of this type

save_instance_state(obj, saver)[source]

Save the instance state of an object, should return a saved instance

yield_hashables(obj: object, hasher)[source]

Yield values from this object that should be included in its hash

class mincepy.WrapperHelper(obj_type: Type[<class 'mincepy.types.SavableObject'>])[source]

Wraps up an object type to perform the necessary Historian actions

eq(one, other) → bool[source]

Determine if two objects are equal

load_instance_state(obj, saved_state: <class 'mincepy.types.Savable'>, loader)[source]

Take the given blank object and load the instance state into it

save_instance_state(obj: <class 'mincepy.types.Savable'>, saver)[source]

Save the instance state of an object, should return a saved instance

yield_hashables(obj, hasher)[source]

Yield values from this object that should be included in its hash

class mincepy.BaseHelper[source]

A base helper that defaults to yielding hashables directly on the object and testing for equality using == given two objects. This behaviour is fairly standard and therefore most type helpers will want to subclass from this class.

eq(one, other) → bool[source]

Determine if two objects are equal

yield_hashables(obj, hasher)[source]

Yield values from this object that should be included in its hash

mincepy.connect(uri: str = '', use_globally=False, timeout=30000) → mincepy.historians.Historian[source]

Connect to an archive and return a corresponding historian

  • uri – the URI of the archive to connect to
  • use_globally – if True sets the newly create historian as the current global historian
  • timeout – a connection timeout (in milliseconds)
mincepy.get_historian(create=True) → Optional[mincepy.historians.Historian][source]

Get the currently set global historian. If one doesn’t exist and create is True then this call will attempt to create a new default historian using connect()

mincepy.set_historian(new_historian: Optional[mincepy.historians.Historian], apply_plugins=True)[source]

Set the current global historian. Optionally load all plugins. To reset the historian pass None.

mincepy.archive_uri() → Optional[str][source]

Returns the default archive URI. This is currently being taken from the environmental MINCEPY_ARCHIVE, however it may chance to include a config file in the future.

Deprecated since version 0.15.3: This will be removed in 0.16.0. Use default_archive_uri() instead


Load one or more objects using the current global historian


Save one or more objects. See mincepy.Historian.save()

mincepy.default_archive_uri() → Optional[str][source]

Returns the default archive URI. This is currently being taken from the environmental MINCEPY_ARCHIVE, however it may chance to include a config file in the future.

mincepy.find(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Find objects. See mincepy.Historian.find()


Delete an object. See mincepy.Historian.delete()

mincepy.db(type_id_or_type) → <class 'mincepy.helpers.TypeHelper'>[source]

Get the database type helper for a type. See mincepy.Historian.get_helper()

mincepy.create_archive(uri: str, connect_timeout=30000)[source]

Create an archive type based on a uri string

  • uri – the specification of where to connect to
  • connect_timeout – a connection timeout (in milliseconds)
mincepy.create_historian(archive_uri: str, apply_plugins=True, connect_timeout=30000) → mincepy.historians.Historian[source]

Convenience function to create a standard historian directly from an archive URI

  • archive_uri – the specification of where to connect to
  • apply_plugins – register the plugin types with the new historian
  • connect_timeout – a connection timeout (in milliseconds)
class mincepy.ObjRef(obj=None)[source]

A reference to an object instance

load_instance_state(saved_state, loader)[source]

Take the given object and load the instance state into it


Save the instance state of an object, should return a saved instance


Produce a hash representing the object

mincepy.ref(obj=None) → <class 'mincepy.refs.ObjRef'>[source]

Create an object reference

class mincepy.DataRecord[source]

An immutable record that describes a snapshot of an object

child_builder(**kwargs) → mincepy.utils.NamedTupleBuilder[mincepy.records.DataRecord][mincepy.records.DataRecord][source]

Get a child builder from this DataRecord instance. The following attributes will be copied over:

  • obj_id
  • type_id
  • creation_time
  • created_by

and version will be incremented by one.

Deprecated since version 0.15.20: This will be removed in 0.17.0. Use make_child_builder free function instead


Convenience property to get the creator from the extras

classmethod defaults() → dict[source]

Returns a dictionary of default values, the caller owns the dict and is free to modify it

get_copied_from() → Optional[mincepy.records.SnapshotId][source]

Get the reference of the data record this object was originally copied from


Convenience function to get an extra from the record, returns None if the extra doesn’t exist

get_files() → List[Tuple[Sequence[Union[str, int]], dict]][source]

Get the state dictionaries for all the files contained in this record (if any)

get_references() → Iterable[Tuple[Sequence[Union[str, int]], mincepy.records.SnapshotId]][source]

Get the snapshot ids of all objects referenced by this record

get_state_schema() → Mapping[tuple, mincepy.records.SchemaEntry][source]

Get the schema for the state. This contains the types and versions for each member of the state

is_deleted_record() → bool[source]

Does this record represent the object having been deleted

classmethod new_builder(**kwargs) → mincepy.utils.NamedTupleBuilder[mincepy.records.DataRecord][mincepy.records.DataRecord][source]

Get a builder for a new data record, the version will be set to 0


The snapshot id for this record


alias of mincepy.records.SnapshotId

class mincepy.SnapshotId(obj_id, version: int)[source]

A snapshot id identifies a particular version of an object (and the corresponding record), it therefore composed of the object id and the version number.

Create a snapshot id by passing an object id and version

classmethod from_dict(sid_dict: dict) → mincepy.records.SnapshotId[source]

Build a snapshot ID from a dictionary. Uses OBJ_ID and VERSION keys but ignores any additional keys making it useful when passing **sid_dict to the constructor would fail because of the presence of unexpected keys.

to_dict() → dict[source]

Convenience function to get a dictionary representation. Can be passed to constructor as **kwargs

class mincepy.BaseSavableObject(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A helper class that makes a class compatible with the historian by flagging certain attributes which will be saved/loaded/hashed and compared in __eq__. This should be an exhaustive list of all the attributes that define this class. If more complex functionality is needed, then the standard SavableComparable interface methods should be overwritten.

load_instance_state(saved_state, loader)[source]

Take the given object and load the instance state into it

save_instance_state(saver) → dict[source]

Save the instance state of an object, should return a saved instance


Produce a hash representing the object

class mincepy.ConvenienceMixin[source]

A mixin that adds convenience methods to your savable object

get_meta() → Optional[dict][source]

Get the metadata dictionary for this object

is_saved() → bool[source]

Returns True if this object is saved with a historian

load_instance_state(saved_state, loader: mincepy.depositors.Loader)[source]

Take the given object and load the instance state into it

save(meta: dict = None)[source]

Save the object

set_meta(meta: Optional[dict])[source]

Set the metadata dictionary for this object


Update the state of this object by loading the latest version from the historian

update_meta(meta: dict)[source]

Update the metadata dictionary for this object

class mincepy.SimpleSavable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A BaseSavableObject with convenience methods mixed in

mincepy.AsRef(name: str) → mincepy.base_savable.AttrSpec[source]

Create an attribute specification for an attribute that should be stored by reference

class mincepy.ConvenientSavable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A savable with convenience methods.

See ConvenienceMixin

class mincepy.List(initlist=None)[source]

alias of builtins.list

class mincepy.LiveList(init_list=None)[source]

A list that is always in sync with the database


S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence

insert(index, value)[source]

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index

class mincepy.LiveRefList(init_list=None)[source]

A live list that uses references to store objects

class mincepy.RefList(init_list=None)[source]

A list that stores all entries as references in the database except primitives


alias of builtins.list

insert(index, value)[source]

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index

class mincepy.Str(seq)[source]

alias of builtins.str

class mincepy.Dict(*args, **kwarg)[source]

alias of builtins.dict

class mincepy.RefDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A dictionary that stores all values as references in the database.


alias of builtins.dict

class mincepy.LiveDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of RefDict

class mincepy.LiveRefDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A live dictionary that uses references to refer to contained objects


alias of mincepy.files.File

class mincepy.File(file_store, filename: str = None, encoding=None)[source]

A mincePy file object. These should not be instantiated directly but using Historian.create_file()


Copy the contents of a disk file to this file

load_instance_state(saved_state, loader)[source]

Take the given object and load the instance state into it

open(mode='r', **kwargs) → Union[BinaryIO, TextIO][source]

Open returning a file like object that supports close() and read()

read_text(encoding=None) → str[source]

Read the contents of the file as text. This function is named as to mirror pathlib.Path


Save the instance state of an object, should return a saved instance

to_disk(path: [<class 'str'>, <class 'pathlib.Path'>])[source]

Copy the contents of this file to disk.

Parameters:path – the path can be either a folder in which case the file contents are written to path / self.filename or path can be a full file path in which case that will be used.

Hash the contents of the file


Allows object creation to be tracked. When an object is created within this context, the creator of the object will be saved in the database record.

This can be used either as a decorator to a class method, in which case the object instance will be the creator. Or it can be used as a context in which case the creator should be passed as the argument.


Create a shallow copy of the object. Using this method allows the historian to inject information about where the object was copied from into the record if saved.


Create a shallow copy of the object. Using this method allows the historian to inject information about where the object was copied from into the record if saved.

class mincepy.Meta(historian, archive)[source]

A class for grouping metadata related methods

create_index(keys, unique=False, where_exist=False)[source]

Create an index on the metadata. Takes either a single key or list of (key, direction) pairs

  • keys – the key or keys to create the index on
  • unique – if True, create a uniqueness constraint on this index
  • where_exist – if True, only apply this index on documents that contain the key(s)
distinct(key: str, filter: dict = None, obj_id=None) → Iterator[T_co][source]

Yield distinct values found for ‘key’ within metadata documents, optionally matching a search filter.

The search can optionally be restricted to a set of passed object ids.

  • key – the document key to get distinct values for
  • filter – a query filter for the search
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
find(filter, obj_id=None) → Iterator[mincepy.archives.MetaEntry][source]

Find metadata matching the given criteria. Each returned result is a tuple containing the corresponding object id and the metadata dictionary itself

get(obj_or_identifier) → Optional[dict][source]

Get the metadata for an object

Parameters:obj_or_identifier – either the object instance, an object ID or a snapshot reference
set(obj_or_identifier, meta: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]])[source]

Set the metadata for an object

  • obj_or_identifier – either the object instance, an object ID or a snapshot reference
  • meta – the metadata dictionary
update(obj_or_identifier, meta: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Update the metadata for an object

  • obj_or_identifier – either the object instance, an object ID or a snapshot reference
  • meta – the metadata dictionary
class mincepy.References(historian)[source]

A class that can provide reference graph information about objects stored in the archive.


It is deliberately not possible to pass an object directly to methods in this class as what is returned is reference information from the archive and _not_ reference information about the in-memory python object.


Get the ids of the objects that refer to the passed object


Get the ids of the objects referred to by the passed identifier.

class mincepy.SnapshotsCollection(historian, archive_collection: mincepy.archives.Collection)[source]
purge(deleted=True, dry_run=True) → mincepy.result_types.PurgeResult[source]

Function to delete various unused objects from the database.

This function cannot and will never delete data the is currently in use.

class mincepy.LiveObjectsCollection(historian, archive_collection: mincepy.archives.Collection)[source]
mincepy.field(attr: str = None, ref=False, default=(), type=None, store_as: str = None, dynamic=False) → mincepy.fields.Field[source]

Define a new field

class mincepy.Expr[source]

The base class for query expressions. Expressions are tuples containing an operator or a field as a first part and a value or expression as second


Return the query dictionary for this expression

class mincepy.WithListOperand(operand: List[mincepy.expr.Expr])[source]

Mixin for expressions that take an operand that is a list

class mincepy.Empty[source]

The empty expression

class mincepy.Operator[source]

Interface for operators

class mincepy.Eq(value)[source]
class mincepy.Gt(value)[source]
class mincepy.Gte(value)[source]
class mincepy.In(value)[source]
class mincepy.Lt(value)[source]
class mincepy.Lte(value)[source]
class mincepy.Ne(value)[source]
class mincepy.Nin(value)[source]
class mincepy.Comparison(field, expr: mincepy.expr.Operator)[source]

A comparison expression consists of a field and an operator expression e.g. name == ‘frank’ where name is the field, the operator is ==, and the value is ‘frank’

class mincepy.Logical(operand: mincepy.expr.Expr)[source]

A comparison operation. Consists of an operator applied to an operand which is matched in a particular way

class mincepy.And(operand: List[mincepy.expr.Expr])[source]
class mincepy.Not(operand: mincepy.expr.Expr)[source]
class mincepy.Or(operand: List[mincepy.expr.Expr])[source]
class mincepy.Nor(operand: List[mincepy.expr.Expr])[source]
class mincepy.Exists(value: bool)[source]
class mincepy.WithQueryContext[source]

A mixin for Queryable objects that allows a context to be added which is always ‘anded’ with the resulting query condition for any operator

mincepy.query_expr(filter: mincepy.expr.FilterLike) → dict[source]

Return a query specification (dict)

If a dict is passed is is returned unaltered. Otherwise __qspec__() is called and its value is returned as long as it is a dict. In all other cases, TypeError is raised.

mincepy.build_expr(item) → mincepy.expr.Expr[source]

Expression factory


class mincepy.hist.Meta(historian, archive)[source]

A class for grouping metadata related methods

create_index(keys, unique=False, where_exist=False)[source]

Create an index on the metadata. Takes either a single key or list of (key, direction) pairs

  • keys – the key or keys to create the index on
  • unique – if True, create a uniqueness constraint on this index
  • where_exist – if True, only apply this index on documents that contain the key(s)
distinct(key: str, filter: dict = None, obj_id=None) → Iterator[T_co][source]

Yield distinct values found for ‘key’ within metadata documents, optionally matching a search filter.

The search can optionally be restricted to a set of passed object ids.

  • key – the document key to get distinct values for
  • filter – a query filter for the search
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
find(filter, obj_id=None) → Iterator[mincepy.archives.MetaEntry][source]

Find metadata matching the given criteria. Each returned result is a tuple containing the corresponding object id and the metadata dictionary itself

get(obj_or_identifier) → Optional[dict][source]

Get the metadata for an object

Parameters:obj_or_identifier – either the object instance, an object ID or a snapshot reference
set(obj_or_identifier, meta: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]])[source]

Set the metadata for an object

  • obj_or_identifier – either the object instance, an object ID or a snapshot reference
  • meta – the metadata dictionary
update(obj_or_identifier, meta: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Update the metadata for an object

  • obj_or_identifier – either the object instance, an object ID or a snapshot reference
  • meta – the metadata dictionary
class mincepy.hist.References(historian)[source]

A class that can provide reference graph information about objects stored in the archive.


It is deliberately not possible to pass an object directly to methods in this class as what is returned is reference information from the archive and _not_ reference information about the in-memory python object.


Get the ids of the objects that refer to the passed object


Get the ids of the objects referred to by the passed identifier.

class mincepy.hist.SnapshotsCollection(historian, archive_collection: mincepy.archives.Collection)[source]
purge(deleted=True, dry_run=True) → mincepy.result_types.PurgeResult[source]

Function to delete various unused objects from the database.

This function cannot and will never delete data the is currently in use.

class mincepy.hist.LiveObjectsCollection(historian, archive_collection: mincepy.archives.Collection)[source]


class mincepy.mongo.MongoArchive(database: pymongo.database.Database)[source]

MongoDB implementation of the mincepy archive


alias of bson.objectid.ObjectId

bulk_write(ops: Sequence[mincepy.operations.Operation])[source]

Make a collection of write operations to the database

construct_archive_id(value) → bson.objectid.ObjectId[source]

If it’s possible, construct an archive value from the passed value. This is useful as a convenience to the user if, say, the archive id can be constructed from a string. Raise TypeError or ValueError if this is not possible for the given value.

count(obj_id: Optional[bson.objectid.ObjectId] = None, type_id=None, _created_by=None, _copied_from=None, version=-1, state=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta=None, limit=0)[source]

Count the number of entries that match the given query


Create a new archive id

distinct(key: str, filter: dict = None) → Iterator[T_co][source]

Get distinct values of the given record key

  • key – the key to find distinct values for, see DataRecord for possible keys
  • filter – an optional filter to restrict the search to. Should be a dictionary that filters on entries in the DataRecord i.e. the kwargs that can be passed to find().

Get the GridFS file bucket

find(obj_id: Union[bson.objectid.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.objectid.ObjectId], Dict[KT, VT]] = None, type_id: Union[bson.objectid.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.objectid.ObjectId], Dict[KT, VT]] = None, _created_by=None, _copied_from=None, version=None, state=None, state_types=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta: dict = None, extras: dict = None, limit=0, sort=None, skip=0)[source]

Find records matching the given criteria

  • type_id – find records with the given type id
  • created_by – find records with the given created by id
  • copied_from – find records copied from the record with the given id
  • version – restrict the search to this version, -1 for latest
  • state – find objects with this state filter
  • state_types – file objects with this state types filter
  • snapshot_hash – find objects with this snapshot hash
  • meta – find objects with this meta filter
  • extras – the search criteria to apply on the data record extras
  • limit – limit the results to this many records
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
  • sort – sort the results by the given criteria
  • skip – skip the this many entries
find_exp(records_filter: dict)[source]

Experimental find

get_obj_ref_graph(*obj_ids, direction=1, max_dist: int = None) → Iterator[networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph][source]

Given one or more object ids the archive will supply the corresponding reference graph(s). The graphs start at the given id and contains all object ids that it references, all object ids they reference and so on.

get_snapshot_ids(obj_id: bson.objectid.ObjectId)[source]

Returns a list of time ordered snapshot ids

get_snapshot_ref_graph(*snapshot_ids, direction=1, max_dist: int = None) → Iterator[networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph][source]

Given one or more snapshot ids the archive will supply the corresponding reference graph(s). The graphs start at the given id and contains all snapshots that it references, all snapshots they reference and so on.

classmethod get_types() → Sequence[T_co][source]

This method allows the archive to return either types or type helper that the historian should support. A common example is the type helper for the object id type

load(snapshot_id: mincepy.records.SnapshotId) → mincepy.records.DataRecord[source]

Load a snapshot of an object with the given reference

meta_create_index(keys, unique=True, where_exist=False)[source]

Create an index on the metadata. Takes either a single key or list of (key, direction) pairs

  • keys – the key or keys to create the index on
  • unique – if True, create a uniqueness constraint on this index
  • where_exist – if True the index only applies for documents where the key(s) exist
meta_distinct(key: str, filter: dict = None, obj_id: Union[bson.objectid.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.objectid.ObjectId], Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None) → Iterator[T_co][source]

Yield distinct values found for ‘key’ within metadata documents, optionally marching a search filter.

The search can optionally be restricted to a set of passed object ids.

  • key – the document key to get distinct values for
  • filter – a query filter for the search
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
meta_find(filter: dict = None, obj_id: Union[bson.objectid.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.objectid.ObjectId], Dict[KT, VT]] = None) → Iterator[Tuple[bson.objectid.ObjectId, Dict[KT, VT]]][source]

Yield metadata satisfying the given criteria. The search can optionally be restricted to a set of passed object ids.

  • filter – a query filter for the search
  • obj_id – an optional restriction on the object ids to search. This ben be either: 1. a single object id 2. an iterable of object ids in which is treated as {‘$in’: list(obj_ids)} 3. a general query filter to be applied to the object ids
meta_get(obj_id: bson.objectid.ObjectId)[source]

Get the metadata for an objects.

meta_get_many(obj_ids: Iterable[bson.objectid.ObjectId]) → Dict[bson.objectid.ObjectId, dict][source]

Get the metadata for multiple objects. Returns a dictionary mapping the object id to the metadata dictionary

meta_set(obj_id, meta)[source]

Set the metadata on on the object with the corresponding id

meta_set_many(metas: Mapping[bson.objectid.ObjectId, Optional[dict]])[source]

Set the metadata on multiple objects. This takes a mapping of the object id to the corresponding (optional) metadata dictionary

meta_update(obj_id, meta: Mapping[KT, VT_co])[source]

Update the metadata on the object with the corresponding id


Access the objects collection


Access the snapshots collection

mincepy.mongo.connect(uri: str, timeout=30000) → mincepy.mongo.mongo_archive.MongoArchive[source]

Connect to the database using the passed URI string.

  • uri – specification of where to connect to
  • timeout – a connection time (in milliseconds)

the connected mongo archive