Source code for mincepy.mongo.mongo_archive

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union, Iterable, Mapping, Iterator, Dict, Tuple
import weakref
from urllib import parse
import uuid

import bson
import gridfs
import networkx
import pymongo
import pymongo.uri_parser
import pymongo.database
import pymongo.errors

# MincePy imports
from mincepy import archives
from mincepy import helpers
from mincepy import operations
from mincepy import q
from mincepy import records
from mincepy import exceptions

# Local imports
from . import bulk
from . import migrate
from . import migrations
from . import db
from . import references
from . import queries

__all__ = ("MongoArchive", "connect")


scalar_query_spec = archives.scalar_query_spec

class ObjectIdHelper(helpers.TypeHelper):
    TYPE = bson.ObjectId
    TYPE_ID = uuid.UUID("bdde0765-36d2-4f06-bb8b-536a429f32ab")

    def yield_hashables(self, obj, hasher):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        yield obj.binary

    def eq(self, one, other) -> bool:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        return one == other

    def save_instance_state(self, obj, _depositor):
        return obj

    def load_instance_state(self, obj, saved_state, _depositor):
        return obj.__init__(saved_state)  # pylint: disable=unnecessary-dunder-call

[docs]class MongoArchive(archives.BaseArchive[bson.ObjectId]): """MongoDB implementation of the mincepy archive""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods ID_TYPE = bson.ObjectId SnapshotId = records.SnapshotId[bson.ObjectId] DATA_COLLECTION = "data" HISTORY_COLLECTION = "history"
[docs] @classmethod def get_types(cls) -> Sequence: return (ObjectIdHelper(),)
def __init__(self, database: pymongo.database.Database): super().__init__() self._database = database migrate.ensure_up_to_date(database, migrations.LATEST) self._data_collection = database[self.DATA_COLLECTION] self._history_collection = database[self.HISTORY_COLLECTION] self._file_bucket = gridfs.GridFSBucket(database) self._refman = references.ReferenceManager( database[DEFAULT_REFERENCES_COLLECTION], self._data_collection, self._history_collection, ) self._snapshots = MongoRecordCollection(self, self._history_collection) self._objects = MongoRecordCollection(self, self._data_collection) self._create_indices() @property def database(self) -> pymongo.database.Database: return self._database @property def data_collection(self) -> pymongo.database.Collection: return self._data_collection @property def snapshots(self) -> "MongoRecordCollection": return self._snapshots @property def objects(self) -> "MongoRecordCollection": """Access the objects collection""" return self._objects @property def file_store(self) -> gridfs.GridFSBucket: return self._file_bucket @property def schema_version(self) -> Optional[int]: return migrate.get_version(self._database) def _create_indices(self): # Create all the necessary indexes self._data_collection.create_index(db.OBJ_ID) self._history_collection.create_index( [(db.OBJ_ID, pymongo.ASCENDING), (db.VERSION, pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True, ) # Performance related self._data_collection.create_index(db.TYPE_ID, unique=False) self._data_collection.create_index(db.VERSION, unique=False)
[docs] def create_archive_id(self): return bson.ObjectId()
[docs] def construct_archive_id(self, value) -> bson.ObjectId: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"Cannot construct an ObjectID from a '{type(value)}'") try: return bson.ObjectId(value) except bson.errors.InvalidId as exc: raise ValueError(str(exc)) from None
def get_gridfs_bucket(self) -> gridfs.GridFSBucket: return self._file_bucket
[docs] def bulk_write(self, ops: Sequence[operations.Operation]): self._fire_event(archives.ArchiveListener.on_bulk_write, ops) # First, convert these to corresponding mongo bulk operations. Because of the way we split # objects into 'data' and 'history' we have to perform these operations on both data_ops = [] history_ops = [] for data_op, history_op in map(bulk.to_mongo_op, ops): data_ops.extend(data_op) history_ops.extend(history_op) try: # First perform the data operations self._data_collection.bulk_write(data_ops, ordered=True) # Then the history operations self._history_collection.bulk_write(history_ops, ordered=True) except pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError as exc: write_errors = exc.details["writeErrors"] if write_errors and write_errors[0]["code"] == 11000: raise exceptions.DuplicateKeyError(str(exc)) from exc raise # Otherwise, just raise what we got self._refman.invalidate( obj_ids=[op.obj_id for op in ops], snapshot_ids=[op.snapshot_id for op in ops], ) self._fire_event(archives.ArchiveListener.on_bulk_write_complete, ops)
[docs] def load(self, snapshot_id: records.SnapshotId) -> records.DataRecord: if not isinstance(snapshot_id, records.SnapshotId): raise TypeError(snapshot_id) results = tuple( self._history_collection.find( {db.OBJ_ID: snapshot_id.obj_id, db.VERSION: snapshot_id.version} ) ) if not results: raise exceptions.NotFound(f"Snapshot id '{snapshot_id}' not found") return db.to_record(results[0])
[docs] def get_snapshot_ids(self, obj_id: bson.ObjectId): results = self._history_collection.find( {db.OBJ_ID: obj_id}, projection={db.OBJ_ID: 1, db.VERSION: 1}, sort=[(db.VERSION, pymongo.ASCENDING)], ) if not results: return [] return list(map(db.sid_from_dict, results))
# region Meta
[docs] def meta_get(self, obj_id: bson.ObjectId): # Single obj id if not isinstance(obj_id, bson.ObjectId): raise TypeError(f"Must pass an ObjectId, got {obj_id}") found = self._data_collection.find_one({"_id": obj_id}, {db.META: 1}) if found is None: return found found.pop("_id") return found.get(db.META, None)
[docs] def meta_get_many( self, obj_ids: Iterable[bson.ObjectId] ) -> Dict[bson.ObjectId, dict]: # Find multiple for obj_id in obj_ids: if not isinstance(obj_id, bson.ObjectId): raise TypeError(f"Must pass an ObjectId, got {obj_id}") cur = self._data_collection.find({"_id": q.in_(*obj_ids)}, {db.META: 1}) results = {oid: None for oid in obj_ids} for found in cur: results[found.pop("_id")] = found[db.META] return results
[docs] def meta_set(self, obj_id, meta): try: found = self._data_collection.update_one( {"_id": obj_id}, {"$set": {db.META: meta}}, upsert=False ) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as exc: raise exceptions.DuplicateKeyError(str(exc)) else: if found.modified_count == 0: raise exceptions.NotFound(f"No record with object id '{obj_id}' found")
[docs] def meta_set_many(self, metas: Mapping[bson.ObjectId, Optional[dict]]): ops = [] for obj_id, meta in metas.items(): operation = pymongo.operations.UpdateOne( {"_id": obj_id}, {"$set": {db.META: meta}}, upsert=False ) ops.append(operation) try: self._data_collection.bulk_write(ops, ordered=True) except pymongo.errors.BulkWriteError as exc: # This is a rather complicated way to get the error - mongo doesn't seem to document # error codes, absolute madness. if exc.code == 65: write_errors = exc.details.get("writeErrors", {}) if write_errors: # There should only be one as it is an ordered write error = write_errors[0] if error.get("code") == 11000: raise exceptions.DuplicateKeyError(error.get("errmsg")) raise
[docs] def meta_update(self, obj_id, meta: Mapping): try: to_set = queries.expand_filter(db.META, meta) res = self._data_collection.update_one( {"_id": obj_id}, {"$set": to_set}, upsert=False ) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as exc: raise exceptions.DuplicateKeyError(str(exc)) else: if res.matched_count == 0: raise exceptions.NotFound(f"No record with object id '{obj_id}' found")
[docs] def meta_find( self, filter: dict = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin obj_id: Union[bson.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.ObjectId], Dict] = None, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[bson.ObjectId, Dict]]: match = queries.expand_filter(db.META, filter) if obj_id is not None: match["_id"] = scalar_query_spec(obj_id) for entry in self._data_collection.find(match, {db.META: 1}): if db.META in entry: oid = entry.pop("_id") yield self.MetaEntry(oid, entry[db.META])
[docs] def meta_distinct( self, key: str, filter: dict = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin obj_id: Union[bson.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.ObjectId], Mapping] = None, ) -> "Iterator": match = queries.expand_filter(db.META, filter) if obj_id is not None: match["_id"] = scalar_query_spec(obj_id) yield from self._data_collection.distinct(f"{db.META}.{key}", match)
[docs] def meta_create_index(self, keys, unique=True, where_exist=False): if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [(keys, pymongo.ASCENDING)] else: if not isinstance(keys, list): raise TypeError( f"Keys must be a string or a list of tuples, got {keys.__class__.__name__}" ) if len(keys) == 0: return for entry in keys: if not isinstance(entry, tuple): raise TypeError( f"Keys must be list of tuples, got {entry.__class__.__name__}" ) # Transform the keys keys = [(f"{db.META}.{name}", direction) for name, direction in keys] kwargs = {} if where_exist: key_names = tuple(entry[0] for entry in keys) kwargs["partialFilterExpression"] = q.and_( *tuple(q.exists_(name) for name in key_names) ) self._data_collection.create_index(keys, unique=unique, **kwargs)
# endregion # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def find( self, obj_id: Union[bson.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.ObjectId], Dict] = None, type_id: Union[bson.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.ObjectId], Dict] = None, _created_by=None, _copied_from=None, version=None, state=None, state_types=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta: dict = None, extras: dict = None, limit=0, sort=None, skip=0, ): pipeline = self._get_pipeline( obj_id=obj_id, type_id=type_id, _created_by=_created_by, _copied_from=_copied_from, version=version, state=state, state_types=state_types, snapshot_hash=snapshot_hash, meta=meta, extras=extras, ) if skip: pipeline.append({"$skip": skip}) if limit: pipeline.append({"$limit": limit}) if sort: if not isinstance(sort, dict): sort_dict = {sort: 1} else: sort_dict = sort sort_dict = db.remap(sort_dict) pipeline.append({"$sort": sort_dict}) if version == -1: coll = self._data_collection else: coll = self._history_collection results = coll.aggregate(pipeline, allowDiskUse=True) for result in results: yield db.to_record(result)
[docs] def find_exp(self, records_filter: dict): """Experimental find""" results = self._data_collection.find(records_filter) for result in results: yield db.to_record(result)
[docs] def distinct( self, key: str, filter: dict = None ) -> Iterator: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin filter = db.remap(filter or {}) if filter.get(db.VERSION, None) == -1: filter.pop(db.VERSION) coll = self._data_collection else: coll = self._history_collection yield from coll.distinct(db.remap_key(key), filter=_flatten_filter_dict(filter))
[docs] def count( self, obj_id: Optional[bson.ObjectId] = None, type_id=None, _created_by=None, _copied_from=None, version=-1, state=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta=None, limit=0, ): pipeline = self._get_pipeline( obj_id=obj_id, type_id=type_id, _created_by=_created_by, _copied_from=_copied_from, version=version, state=state, snapshot_hash=snapshot_hash, meta=meta, ) if version == -1: coll = self._data_collection else: coll = self._history_collection if limit: pipeline.append({"$limit": limit}) pipeline.append({"$count": "total"}) result = next(coll.aggregate(pipeline)) return result["total"]
[docs] def get_snapshot_ref_graph( self, *snapshot_ids: SnapshotId, direction=archives.OUTGOING, max_dist: int = None, ) -> Iterator[networkx.DiGraph]: return self._refman.get_snapshot_ref_graph( snapshot_ids, direction=direction, max_dist=max_dist )
[docs] def get_obj_ref_graph( self, *obj_ids: bson.ObjectId, direction=archives.OUTGOING, max_dist: int = None ) -> Iterator[networkx.DiGraph]: return self._refman.get_obj_ref_graphs( obj_ids, direction=direction, max_dist=max_dist )
@staticmethod def _get_pipeline( obj_id: Union[bson.ObjectId, Iterable[bson.ObjectId]] = None, type_id=None, _created_by=None, _copied_from=None, version=None, state=None, state_types=None, snapshot_hash=None, meta: dict = None, extras: dict = None, ): """Get a pipeline that would perform the given search. Can be used directly in an aggregate call""" pipeline = [] query = queries.QueryBuilder() if obj_id is not None: query.and_({db.OBJ_ID: scalar_query_spec(obj_id)}) if version is not None and version != -1: query.and_({db.VERSION: version}) if type_id is not None: query.and_({db.TYPE_ID: scalar_query_spec(type_id)}) if state is not None: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.STATE, state)) if state_types is not None: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.STATE_TYPES, state_types)) if snapshot_hash is not None: query.and_({db.SNAPSHOT_HASH: scalar_query_spec(snapshot_hash)}) if extras: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.EXTRAS, extras)) if meta: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.META, meta)) mfilter = if mfilter: pipeline.append({"$match": mfilter}) return pipeline
def _flatten_filter_dict(filter: dict) -> dict: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin query = queries.QueryBuilder() obj_id = filter.get(db.OBJ_ID, None) type_id = filter.get(db.TYPE_ID, None) version = filter.get(db.VERSION, None) state = filter.get(db.STATE, None) state_types = filter.get(db.STATE_TYPES) snapshot_hash = filter.get(db.SNAPSHOT_HASH) extras = filter.get(db.EXTRAS) if obj_id is not None: query.and_({db.OBJ_ID: scalar_query_spec(obj_id)}) if version is not None and version != -1: query.and_({db.VERSION: version}) if type_id is not None: query.and_({db.TYPE_ID: scalar_query_spec(type_id)}) if state is not None: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.STATE, state)) if state_types is not None: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.STATE_TYPES, state_types)) if snapshot_hash is not None: query.and_({db.SNAPSHOT_HASH: scalar_query_spec(snapshot_hash)}) if extras: query.and_(*queries.flatten_filter(db.EXTRAS, extras)) return class MongoRecordCollection(archives.RecordCollection): def __init__(self, archive: MongoArchive, collection: pymongo.database.Collection): self._archive = archive self._collection = collection @property def archive(self) -> MongoArchive: """Get the corresponding archive""" return self._archive def find( self, filter: dict, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin *, projection=None, meta: dict = None, limit=0, sort=None, skip=0, ) -> Iterator[dict]: # Create the pipeline pipeline = [] if filter: if meta: # Add the metadata criterion filter = q.and_(filter, *queries.flatten_filter(db.META, meta)) pipeline.append({"$match": filter}) if sort: if not isinstance(sort, dict): sort_dict = {sort: 1} else: sort_dict = sort sort_dict = db.remap(sort_dict) pipeline.append({"$sort": sort_dict}) if skip: pipeline.append({"$skip": skip}) if limit: pipeline.append({"$limit": limit}) if projection: pipeline.append({"$project": db.remap(projection)}) for entry in self._collection.aggregate(pipeline, allowDiskUse=True): yield db.remap_back(entry) def distinct( self, key: str, filter: dict = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> Iterator[dict]: key = db.remap_key(key) yield from self._collection.distinct(key, filter) def get(self, entry_id: bson.ObjectId) -> dict: doc = self._collection.find_one({"_id": entry_id}) # type: dict if doc is None: raise exceptions.NotFound(entry_id) return db.remap_back(doc) def count( self, filter: dict, *, meta: dict = None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin ) -> int: """Get the number of entries that match the search criteria""" # Create the pipeline pipeline = [] if filter: if meta: # Add the metadata criterion filter = q.and_(filter, *queries.flatten_filter(db.META, meta)) pipeline.append({"$match": filter}) pipeline.append({"$count": "total"}) try: result = next(self._collection.aggregate(pipeline)) except StopIteration: return 0 else: return result["total"] MOCKED = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
[docs]def connect(uri: str, timeout=30000) -> MongoArchive: """ Connect to the database using the passed URI string. :param uri: specification of where to connect to :param timeout: a connection time (in milliseconds) :return: the connected mongo archive """ parsed = parse.urlparse(uri) if parsed.scheme == "mongodb": return pymongo_connect(uri, timeout=timeout) if parsed.scheme == "mongomock": return mongomock_connect(uri, timeout=timeout) if parsed.scheme == "litemongo": return litemongo_connect(uri) raise ValueError(f"Unknown scheme: {uri}")
def pymongo_connect(uri, database: str = None, timeout=30000): # URI Format is: # mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,...hostN[:portN]][/[database][?options]] try: parsed = pymongo.uri_parser.parse_uri(uri) except pymongo.errors.InvalidURI as exc: raise ValueError(str(exc)) from exc if not parsed.get("database", None): raise ValueError(f"Failed to supply database on MongoDB uri: {uri}") try: client = pymongo.MongoClient( uri, connect=True, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=timeout ) database = client.get_default_database() return MongoArchive(database) except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as exc: raise exceptions.ConnectionError(str(exc)) def mongomock_connect(uri, timeout=30000) -> MongoArchive: # Cache, this makes sure that if we get two requests to connect to exactly the same URI then # an existing connection will be returned import mongomock import mongomock.gridfs global MOCKED # pylint: disable=global-statement, global-variable-not-assigned if uri in MOCKED: return MOCKED[uri] parsed = parse.urlparse(uri) mongomock.gridfs.enable_gridfs_integration() client = mongomock.MongoClient( f"mongodb://localhost/{parsed.fragment}", serverSelectionTimeoutMS=timeout ) database = client.get_default_database() return MongoArchive(database) def litemongo_connect(uri) -> MongoArchive: import litemongo import litemongo._vendor.mongomock.gridfs litemongo._vendor.mongomock.gridfs.enable_gridfs_integration() # pylint: disable=protected-access client = litemongo.connect(uri) database = client.get_default_database() archive = MongoArchive(database) return archive