Source code for mincepy.history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module exposes some global functionality for connecting to and interacting with the current
import os
from typing import Optional

import deprecation

from . import archive_factory
from . import helpers
from . import historians
from . import plugins
from . import version

__all__ = (

DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_URI = "mongodb://localhost/mincepy"

[docs]@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="0.15.3", removed_in="0.16.0", current_version=version.__version__, details="Use default_archive_uri() instead", ) def archive_uri() -> Optional[str]: """Returns the default archive URI. This is currently being taken from the environmental MINCEPY_ARCHIVE, however it may chance to include a config file in the future.""" return os.environ.get(ENV_ARCHIVE_URI, DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_URI)
@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="0.15.3", removed_in="0.16.0", current_version=version.__version__, details="Use connect(set_global=False) instead", ) def create_default_historian(): """Create a default historian using the current `archive_uri()`""" uri = default_archive_uri() if uri: return archive_factory.create_historian(uri) return None
[docs]def connect(uri: str = "", use_globally=False, timeout=30000) -> historians.Historian: """Connect to an archive and return a corresponding historian :param uri: the URI of the archive to connect to :param use_globally: if True sets the newly create historian as the current global historian :param timeout: a connection timeout (in milliseconds) """ uri = uri or default_archive_uri() hist = archive_factory.create_historian( uri, apply_plugins=True, connect_timeout=timeout ) if use_globally: set_historian(hist, apply_plugins=False) return hist
[docs]def default_archive_uri() -> Optional[str]: """Returns the default archive URI. This is currently being taken from the environmental MINCEPY_ARCHIVE, however it may chance to include a config file in the future.""" return os.environ.get(ENV_ARCHIVE_URI, DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_URI)
# region Globals
[docs]def get_historian(create=True) -> Optional[historians.Historian]: """Get the currently set global historian. If one doesn't exist and create is True then this call will attempt to create a new default historian using connect()""" global CURRENT_HISTORIAN # pylint: disable=global-statement, global-variable-not-assigned if CURRENT_HISTORIAN is None and create: # Try creating a new one, use globally otherwise a new one will be created each time which # is unlikely to be what users want connect(use_globally=True) return CURRENT_HISTORIAN
[docs]def set_historian(new_historian: Optional[historians.Historian], apply_plugins=True): """Set the current global historian. Optionally load all plugins. To reset the historian pass None. """ global CURRENT_HISTORIAN # pylint: disable=global-statement if new_historian is not None and apply_plugins: new_historian.register_types(plugins.get_types()) CURRENT_HISTORIAN = new_historian
[docs]def load(*obj_ids_or_refs): """Load one or more objects using the current global historian""" return get_historian().load(*obj_ids_or_refs)
[docs]def save(*objs): """Save one or more objects. See :py:meth:``""" return get_historian().save(*objs)
[docs]def find(*args, **kwargs): """Find objects. See :py:meth:`mincepy.Historian.find`""" yield from get_historian().find(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def delete(*obj_or_identifier): """Delete an object. See :py:meth:`mincepy.Historian.delete`""" return get_historian().delete(*obj_or_identifier)
[docs]def db(type_id_or_type) -> helpers.TypeHelper: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Get the database type helper for a type. See :py:meth:`mincepy.Historian.get_helper`""" return get_historian().get_helper(type_id_or_type)
# endregion